Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 19, 2011: Hail and BBQ?

(ABOVE: The Staab family in Bartlesville didn't let a hail storm prevent them from a cooking out.)

A few severe thunderstorms developed in the KJRH/Tulsa viewing area on the morning of March 19, 2011. Enjoy the "best of" pics emailed to by our viewers. A few of these made me smile for the creativity!

(ABOVE: Sam Triebel received hailstones about 2" thick! From the Old Parker area, 3 miles east of Coffeyville, KS. I notified the NWS of this, and the NWS and SPC quickly conferenced. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch was issued.)

(ABOVE: Nic Pranger in Bartlesville could keep drinks cold with Mother Nature's finest! He scooped up this mostly dime-size hail.

BELOW: The size of hail is best represented by taking its picture next to other objects-- but this was the first time I've seen "peppermint size" hail! Picture courtesy: Kim Jones)

(ABOVE: We of course want our viewers to be safe during the storms, so a quick snapshot out of the backdoor works great too. This pic from Vivian Frost of Coffeyville shows mostly "small" hail everywhere.

BELOW: Oh, what about the Staab family bbq? If you are wondering, the hail storm obviously didn't stop supper time! Here's the end result...)

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